Our Service
Love for the Needy Foundation started several years ago but was officially registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission in the year 2005. Our objective is to show love to the needy within our society in every little way we can.
Over the years, God has helped us to reach a wide variety of audience of those in need within and outside the Federal Capital Territory. We have had cases where we pay hospital bills for a hit-and-run accident victim. Pensioners who came to for verification in Abuja and got stranded have been taken care of by the foundation amongst others.
As a Divine mandate from God to show love to the Widows and Orphans around us, we reach out to widows by giving them funds to start or improve on their businesses, thereby helping a generation. The Orphans are not left out as we regularly visit them with gifts of foodstuff, provisions, clothing, medicals and learning materials. We try in as much as is within our power to show love to orphans and widows.
This Unit also assists Indigent Students who find it difficult to pay their school fees, or have completely dropped out of school due to lack of fund. We place them on scholarship that covers their school fees, school uniforms (wears), textbooks, exercise books, writing materials to mention but a few.
We recognize that women are the most vulnerable in the society and find it difficult, if not almost impossible, to access loans from both commercial and microfinance banks due to high interest rates and unachievable request for collateral. The Endless Love Empowerment Centre was setup to address the near absence of financial services to the large population of economically active poor women engaged in small trading and micro productive activities in many parts of Nigeria.
Hence, the Empowerment Centre gives grants that are interest free and collateral free to these women, offering them a very robust and flexible repayment plan. In the last one year alone, we have empowered over 70 of the women from different tribes and religions, doing various trades and businesses.
Words they say is powerful! There are several people going through a lot of situations. And just a WORD of love, Encouragement, etc will make a world of difference and may rescue the person or situation. ENDLESS LOVE~ WORD FOR YOU partners with Christian Organizations that spread the Gospel across the world, helping as financial partners in our own little way to get The Good News of Christ to the nook and cranny of the world.
We are currently working on being a financial partner with GIDEON INTERNATIONAL and The 700 CLUB.
We realise that many young, able men and women will do well, create wealth, and become great and wealthy if they have access to good capital. YOU CAN INITIATIVE is aimed at assisting “anyone” who can earn money and a decent living by doing legitimate business but does not have the capital to start the business and does not have collateral normally asked for by banks.
Here, we HELP TO CREATE WEALTH BY ACCESSING cheap, medium term, “good will” collateral, soft financing loan. By assisting such individuals, we believe that such individuals will in return feed their families and in so doing assist others.
Here, we create platforms and avenues to raise True and Spirit Filled Worship to The Most High God. God has helped us to partner with some young ministries through the Worship His Majesty arm of the foundation. We do all that can be done, to Worship and Praise His Majesty, Jesus Christ, Our Lord. The Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Endless Love of God, and the Everlasting Presence of the Holy Spirit is our Gain.